In April 2021, Feldman, Kleidman, Collins & Sappe LLP’s (FKC&S) 70-year-old client from Stanfordville, NY, was driving on Route 82 in Hopewell Junction near Joe’s Dairy Bar. Another driver made a left turn in front of her, and the cars collided. FKC&S’s client sustained multiple broken ribs and a fractured left wrist.
The defendant’s insurance company claimed the crash was not the defendant’s fault. Steven H. Cohen initiated the lawsuit on behalf of FKC&S’s client. Depositions were held (sworn testimony given by each side) and it became clear that based on the defendant’s speed and line of sight, that the defendant did in fact bear fault for the crash. After the parties gave deposition testimony, FKC&S’s client was assessed by the defense’s examining doctor, who claimed she made a full recovery with no disabilities. Despite his analysis, it was evident to all parties that when someone suffers a fracture, they are bound to experience residual complications. The case settled for $125,000 prior to trial.
If you or a loved one are injured due to someone else’s negligence behind the wheel, you may be entitled to financial damages. Call us for a free consultation at (845) 897-5199 or click here to contact us now.