Marsha Solomon Weiss successfully moved for summary judgment and obtained a dismissal of a complaint alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death against a Dutchess County radiologist. […]
Ellen Fischer successfully moved for summary judgment and obtained the dismissal of a complaint alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death against an Orange County internist. […]
Patient became ill because of a rare parasite, and was hospitalized by her private physician. Neither that physician nor several other private physicians who provided […]
Ellen Fischer moved for summary judgment on behalf of a local obstetrician. The plaintiff claimed the obstetrician failed to remove all of the placenta after childbirth, […]
Ellen Fischer recently moved for dismissal of a medical malpractice claim against a local interventional cardiologist. The plaintiff had alleged that the doctor injured the plaintiff […]
Ellen Fischer recently obtained summary judgment dismissing a medical malpractice action against a Dutchess County surgeon. Plaintiff alleged that the surgeon negligently caused the plaintiff to […]
Ellen Fischer recently secured a dismissal of an action filed against an Orange County gastroenterologist. The plaintiff had undergone gastric sleeve surgery, and was subsequently found […]
Ellen Fischer successfully won a summary judgment motion dismissing a complaint against an Orange County surgeon and hospital. The plaintiff claimed that the surgeon negligently caused […]
Ellen Fischer obtained a complete dismissal of a lawsuit against a Sullivan County emergency medicine physician and emergency medicine group, pursuant to summary judgment motion. The […]